Thursday 13 August 2020

Klopp, Bring the Noise, by Raphael Honigstein

A really great read, a little insight into the man who has turned Liverpool's fortunes around. Seamlessly meandering back and forth, ebbing and flowing across Klopp's career, highlights and bitter lows, this presents a picture of a determined, and sometimes difficult man. But a man whose main overriding goal is improvement. To improve himself, and those around him. To win is important, but the journey to the win equally so.

Beautifully written, much better than a lot of sports biographies, which can be dry and formulaic. Some exquisite turns of phrase such as: "over a lunch of pasta and bittersweet memories.", "This was football defootballised, not concerned with the how, only with the wow.", and "There's nothing beautiful about Liverpool's game on a bitingly cold, pitch-black night that descends on the visitors like a mist made of pure dread."

Fans of Liverpool, Borussia Dortmund, and FSV Mainz 05 will undoubtedly be more predisposed to enjoy this book, but the chapters which focus on Wolfgang Frank, Klopp's mentor at Mainz, and how both he and his protégé worked on systems and styles and tactics are informative for any fans of the beautiful game.

Well worth a read.

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