Sunday 23 November 2014

Willful Child by Steven Erikson

The author of the high fantasy series The Malazan Book of the Fallen, has crossed genres with this comedic spoof of Star Trek. Similarities will inevitably be drawn with John Scalzi's Redshirts, but these are very different books. While Scalzi's novel took meta to a new level, this is pure, unadulterated fun. Captain Hadrian Sawback is all the worst qualities of Kirk rolled up into one gigantic sleazeball, and he is all the more wonderful for that! Tammy, the sentient computer is brilliantly disdainful and acerbic, and the supporting cast fills all the stereotypes you would expect to find in the original series.
A very good spin which cleverly riffs on the storylines and characterisations of Star Trek, which Erikson clearly has a lot of affection for.  Added to this, several laugh out load moments and a genuinely engaging plot make this an extremely readable book.

Thanks to the publisher for the review copy. (Via NetGalley)

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