Thursday 23 April 2020

Nightmare in Pink (Travis McGee no.2) by John D MacDonald

Read this one on the back of just finishing the first in the series. Travis McGee is a compelling, if not very likable character. He seems to want to do the right thing, but some his attitudes especially towards women are, to put it politely, of his era and not acceptable today. This can be a little jarring, reading it as I am in 2020, but from reading other reviews it appears he does change as the series progresses. And I can see the evidence even from book 1 to book 2, so here's hoping.
The books themselves story-wise, are fairly simple and formulaic. Trav meets girl through some convuluted means, she's in a pickle, and for half the take he agrees to help. He beds her, gets himself in a spot of bother, through sheer masculinity and super intelligence he gets out and solves the whole thing.
I'm reading the re-released series with a foreword from Lee Child, and its clear Reacher was influenced by these books. There's a very similar vibe between the two, although I've read more of Child's books so I'll refrain from drawing too many comparisons here. 
Suffice to say, the two I've read are quick, pulpy reads, and while I doubt they'll stay with me for long, I'm enjoying them so far.

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