Monday 27 April 2020

Highfire, by Eoin Colfer

 This is the first adult fantasy novel by the writer of the massively successful Artemis Fowl series of children's/young adult stories. And it captures the same sense of wonder at a world just close enough to our own to be both believable and magical.
 Its been a few years since I read the Fowl novels, which I remember loving for the most part, and I read 'And Another Thing...', Colfer's Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy book, and wasn't impressed, so I came into this a little apprehensive as I wasn't sure which version of Colfer I would get here. I needn't have worried, this is quite a wonderful book.
 It centres around a self-confessed delinquent called Squib and his run-ins with the local constable, a corrupt cop with lustful designs on Squib's mom. These travails are made more challenging by the fact that Squib meets and befriends the last dragon on earth, (Wyvern Lord Highfire, or Vern for short), and interrupts and threatens the cop's extracurricular activities.
 What follows is a glorious romp through the Louisiana swamp and New Orleans' French Quarter, with dragon fire and rocket fire both expended frequently.
 Humour throughout, and with heart and soul in abundance, this is a fantastic story of unlikely friendships and dogged determination to become better. 
 Peppered with wonderful characters, you will root for some, and be horrified by others, but you will remember them all, long after you turn the last page. 
 Looking forward to reading more about this Netflix-binging, vodka-guzzling, Flashdance T-shirt-wearing bi-pedal fire-breathing Lord Highfire. If Mr. Colfer graces us with a sequel. 
 My fingers are crossed.

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